Manufacturing and Factory Law

Manufacturing and Factory Law

The manufacturing sector constitutes Thailand’s main industry, producing a wide variety of goods such as textiles and garments, plastics, footwear, electronics, integrated circuits, computers and components, automobiles and parts, and cement. Manufacturing is generally not restricted by the Foreign Business Act of 1999 which means that foreigners are allowed to operate such businesses in Thailand. This is good news for foreign investors who are looking to establish a manufacturing business in Thailand, as there are few restrictions in place.

The Board of Investment Thailand (BOI) has many incentive programs for manufacturers, there are industrial estates and tax-free manufacturing and warehousing ports and zones, as well as its key geographical position which make Thailand very attractive for those wishing to invest in manufacturing.

If you are thinking of taking advantage. Contact us, our Head of Real Estate, Labor & Commercial law spent 7 years in house for the only (at that time) foreign owned listed company in Thailand. He is a specialist in factory law can help you set up your business quickly and smoothly.

Investing in the manufacturing sector in Thailand can be a lucrative endeavor but it is important to seek professional assistance to ensure that you are fully compliant and remain compliant with the most current laws and regulations.

Rattana Rachawangmoung

Rattana Rachawangmoung

Partner, Head of Real Estate, Labour & Commercial Law

Confidential & Obligation Free

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In English, Chinese, Russian and Thai.

We are here to give you 30-minutes of free consultation. Our attorneys will:

  • Provide initial advice.
  • Make an assessment of your matter.
  • Help you decide what to do next to achieve the ideal result

You can also reach out to us through the chat button here on our site which connects directly to our Facebook Messenger account.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions after our first consultation, we are happy to assist you further. Our consultation rates are as follows:

First consultationFREE
Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour