WSR is proud to join INTA

WSR is proud to join INTA

WSR International is proud to announce that it has joined the International Trademark Association (INTA). WSR International is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry and providing the highest level of trademark registration and management services to its clients.

INTA is a global association of trademark owners and professionals dedicated to supporting trademarks and related intellectual property as a means of promoting fair and effective commerce. As a member of INTA, WSR International will have access to a wide range of resources and networking opportunities, including educational programs, research, and advocacy initiatives.

“We are thrilled to join INTA and be a part of such a respected organization,” said Nathan Wood, Managing Partner of WSR. “As a company, we are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in trademark law and practice. Being a member of INTA will allow us to do just that, and we look forward to working with our fellow members to promote the importance of trademarks and intellectual property in the global economy.”

WSR International’s clients can rest assured that they will continue to receive the highest level of service and expertise as the company continues to grow and evolve. Joining INTA is just one of the many steps WSR International is taking to carve out a name for the firm in the trademark registration and management industry.

WSR International
International Trademark Association


In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

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If you have more questions after our first consultation, we are happy to assist you further. Our consultation rates are as follows:

First consultationFREE
Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour