WSR Joins Spanish-Thai Chamber of Commerce

Spanish Thai Chamber of Commerce

At WSR International we have been lucky enough to be working with more and more clients from beautiful and historic Spain.

After having met H.E. Mr. Felipe de la Morena Casado, Ambassador of Spain to Thailand at an EABC -The European Chamber of Commerce Thailand event and Mr. Anthony Hoglund the President of Spanish – Thai Chamber of Commerce it was clear we should participate and support the Spanish community in Thailand more broadly.

So we am pleased to announce we have officially joined the Spanish – Thai Chamber of Commerce here in Bangkok.

The Spanish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (SPTCC) is a non-profit, private organization with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, which operates a global network of companies, primarily Spanish and Thai firms. The purpose of the Chamber is to strengthen ties between Spain and Thailand by creating programs of mutual interest and increasing awareness among businesses and governments in both countries. To achieve its goals, the SPTCC frequently holds events such as activities, seminars, trade missions, networking sessions, and meetings, which promote commercial, industrial, and cultural collaboration between Thai and Spanish businesses and entrepreneurs.

We look forward to assisting our Spanish friends with their legal matters in Thailand.

I sincerely hope there is a business trip coming soon to visit this incredible country and sample its rich culture, heritage, culinary delights and beautiful sophisticated cities and landscapes.

WSR International faciliates business in Thailand, reach out to us for assistance with ongoing projects and market entry. We can help you navigate the Thai regulatory framework.




In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

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First consultationFREE
Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour