Thailand takes steps to legalise gambling 

  • Thailand is on track to legalise most forms of gambling to boost the economy and encourage more tourism.
  • The government is introducing new legislation to facilitate entertainment complexes with various gambling and other entertainment facilities.
  • Actions are being taken to ensure detailed regulation and enforcement, including public awareness campaigns and collaboration with multiple authorities.

Recent developments  

With recent shifts in Thailand’s approach to gambling and to stabilise and improve the economy, Thailand is starting to take action to legalise gambling.  

As the country is potentially tabling legislation to introduce entertainment complexes, the government is actively introducing up-to-date legislation that enables various forms of gambling, including in casinos.

Envisaging projects like that of Las Vegas, Macau, and Singapore, the entertainment complex would host various entertainment-related facilities, including casinos, branded residences, ultra-luxury hotels, high-end restaurants, sports and music arenas and so on.

As Thailand’s gambling laws are complex, understanding the complexities of this landscape has never been more crucial for individuals and businesses.   

Updating legislation 

As Thailand takes steps to enhance its legislation to legalise gambling across the country, the Thai cabinet recently endorsed the recommendations of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to take active measures to ensure a clampdown on corruption and other illegal activities linked to online gambling. 

To ensure that legislation is updated and, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES) was recently appointed as the primary authority to act as the collaborator between various Thai governmental and non-governmental organisations. The MDES has been tasked with developing a clear and succinct framework to monitor the continuing impacts of online gambling.

As such, the Thai cabinet put forward the following recommendations: 

  • Running public awareness campaigns: Educating the public about the risks and consequences of online gambling through various media channels, workshops, and community programmes.
  • Stricter enforcement of current legislation: Implementing more robust monitoring and regulatory measures to ensure that existing laws against online gambling are upheld and violators are duly punished under the law.
  • More action against online gambling enterprises: Intensifying efforts to identify and shut down illegal online gambling operations through coordinated raids, investigations, and international cooperation.
  • Development of a National Committee: Establishing a dedicated body to oversee and coordinate efforts against online gambling, ensure compliance with regulations, and develop new strategies to combat this issue.

New Ministry of Interior regulations 

According to new Ministry of Interior regulations, the following types of gambling can now be conducted at specific times: 

  • Boxing and wrestling: 12pm to 12am 
  • Bull racing: 7am to 7pm 
  • Hoop throwing: 7am to 12am 
  • Various card games, including poker and rummy: Sundays from 12pm to 12am, and from 6pm to 12am on all other days 

Various other games, including local and traditional Thai games, are also included in the new regulation.  

Moving forwards 

Recently, a public hearing into the proposed casino-entertainment complex bill was completed, with feedback submitted from various stakeholders to the cabinet for its consideration.

As Thailand takes steps to invigorate the economy by legalising gambling across the board, including the introduction of casinos, the government hopes to attract significant foreign investment and substantially revenue and tax collections.

Currently, the proposed legislation is under rigorous discussion, and decisions are still being discussed by all the relevant stakeholders. 

If you would like further information on Thailand’s process to legalise gambling, please do not hesitate to reach out to the team at WSR International. 



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