Yodsakorn Lauchotthanakul


Yodsakorn Lauchotthanakul


Yodsakorn is a strategic litigator, he has extensive experiences managing complex and multifaceted disputes as well as representing and advising clients on numerous cases including tort, breach of contract, forgery, default of payment etc. in all of the major courts including the civil, criminal, labour, tax, intellectual property and international trade. With his in depth knowledge in various law as well as powerful negotiation skills, the clients usually keep recommending him to the others. Yodsakorn has ever worked with the well-known law firms in Thailand and also ever worked as an in-house lawyer in multinational company and listed company in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Hence, he also specializes in corporate and commercial law. He speaks fluently in Thai and English.

Education & Certfication

  •  Barrister a Law, Institute of Legal Education.
  • Attorney at Law License, Lawyers Council of Thailand
  • Bachelor of Law, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 诉讼
  • Corporate and Commercial Law
  • Corporate Compliance 

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In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

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Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour