Foreign Teachers in Thailand: The Ongoing Violation of Their Rights

Know Your Rights - Teachers

Foreign Teachers in Thailand: The Ongoing Violation of Their Rights

There is a widespread and troubling misconception in Thailand’s private school industry: that foreign teachers on yearly contracts are not entitled to the same legal protections, benefits, and—most importantly—severance pay as other employees.

This is 100% false.

Under both the Thai Private School Act and the Labour Protection Act, foreign teachers are entitled to severance and fair treatment, just like any other employee. Yet, some of Thailand’s most prestigious private schools—institutions that promote academic excellence and charge parents substantial tuition fees—are systematically depriving teachers of their legal rights.

At WSR International, we are actively handling multiple cases involving teachers who have dedicated over a decade to their schools, only to be dismissed without severance—or even a simple “thank you.” These educators have shaped the futures of countless students, yet they are cast aside as if their contributions were meaningless.

As a parent with three children in private schools, I find it appalling that institutions entrusted with shaping the next generation would treat the very educators who make that possible as disposable. If we expect world-class education for our children, how can we justify mistreating the dedicated professionals responsible for providing it?

Teachers deserve better. Schools that fail to uphold the law must be held accountable.

If you or someone you know has been affected by these issues, WSR International is here to help. Contact us to learn how we can fight for your rights.



In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

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