

为什么人们纷纷涌入 WSR 工作并与其合作?


灵活的工作时间、灵活的工作空间、在家工作、在海滩工作、以您喜欢的方式和地点工作……并获得超乎您想象的报酬。 我们了解您想要如何工作,我们只要求两件事:结果和客户满意。





As a rapidly expanding law firm, we serve clients in the dynamic economy of Thailand. We provide law students with exceptional academic credentials the chance to gain knowledge and experience from our accomplished attorneys who specialize in these burgeoning markets.

Our interns are actively involved in handling real-world legal cases that involve complex issues. Through working with experienced professionals, they develop their skills in legal research, writing, and analysis, as well as gaining insight into business practices in Southeast Asia from different perspectives, such as litigation, transactions, and intellectual property.

To effectively serve our diverse clientele, we seek interns with skills that augment client service. Such skills include fluency in multiple languages, previous industry experience, and international exposure through study or work. We welcome law students who are eager to learn through hands-on experience to apply for internships with us.

Who Should Join Our Internship Program?

If you are a law student looking to build a career at a top Southeast Asian law firm, we encourage you to apply for an internship with us. We assist local interns who are dedicated to working in the region by introducing them to our growing network of clients and partners.

We don’t view interns as mere assistants, but rather provide a hands-on experience that includes legal research, practical work with our top attorneys, and direct client interaction. We hold our interns to a high standard of performance.



In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

我们在这里为您提供 30 分钟的免费咨询。 我们的律师将:

  • 提供初步建议
  • 对您的问题进行评估
  • 帮助您决定下一步该做什么以达到理想的结果


You can reach out to us through the form.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions after our first consultation, we are happy to assist you further. Our consultation rates are as follows:

First consultationFREE
Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour