Always proud when our donation time of year comes around again.

Our small but growing trademark practice planted 21 trees last year, this year 36, and 2024 is off to a big start looking forward to a much greater number next year.

In case you did not know, for each trademark application filed on behalf of our clients. We’ve planted a tree to support reforestation projects worldwide.

As we continue to grow and expand our trademark services, we invite you to join us in making a difference. Let us help you protect your brand while contributing to the preservation of our planet’s precious ecosystems.

Reach out to us today for all your trademark needs, and together, let’s make a difference in the world, one trademark at a time!



In English, Thai, French, Italian and Russian.

我们在这里为您提供 30 分钟的免费咨询。 我们的律师将:

  • 提供初步建议
  • 对您的问题进行评估
  • 帮助您决定下一步该做什么以达到理想的结果


You can reach out to us through the form.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions after our first consultation, we are happy to assist you further. Our consultation rates are as follows:

First consultationFREE
Subsequent consultations5,000 THB / hour